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Results for "main_practice: "Being Present", latest_content: 1"
Keeping a Grief Journal Prompts for a journal to record your emotions and concerns while grieving.
The Five-Second Rule Using movement to improve your mood and energy.
Stop, Drop, and Roll A process to help you settle and stay present as a painful situation unfolds.
Presence - A Place to Step Out A practice to support intentionally choosing to temporarily push away distractions and be fully present in the moments of your life.
Bodhi Day A day to mark the enlightenment of the Buddha.
Resting in Awareness A short meditation for settling in, restoring balance, and gaining perspective.
Taking Inventory A suggestion for making your to-dos more manageable.
Back-to-School Kit Spiritual practices for the beginning of a new school year.
The Gentle Art of Blessing Acknowledging the unlimited good awaiting each and all.
Cultivate Your Somatic Mindfulness A practice for stabilizing the mind through the body's groundedness.